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Basa Luri

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Citakan:Bahasa Basa Luri joda da salah osay basa say dituturko Jolma Lur di nagara Iran.[1][2][1][2][3]

  1. 1,0 1,1 Erik John Anonby, Juli 2003, Update on Luri: How many languages? Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, Series 3, volume 13, isu 2, hal 171–197, doi 10.1017/S1356186303003067, s2cid 162293895
  2. 2,0 2,1 G. R. Fazel, 'Lur', in Muslim Peoples: A World Ethnographic Survey, ed. R. V. Weekes (Westport, 1984), pp. 446–447
  3. John Limbert, Musim Semi tahun 1968, The Origin and Appearance of the Kurds in Pre-Islamic Iran Iranian Studies, volume 1, nomor 2, hal 41–51, jstor 4309997, doi 10.1080/00210866808701350